óCoffeeScript Cookbook

检测并创建缺失的函数 Detecting and Creating Missing Functions

问题 Problem

你想检测一个函数是否存在,如果不存在就创建这个函数(例如在Internet Explorer 8中的ECMAScript 5函数)。

You want to detect if a function exists and create it if it does not (such as an ECMAScript 5 function in Internet Explorer 8).

方案 Solution


Use :: to detect the function, and assign to it if it does not exist.

unless Array::filter
  Array::filter = (callback) ->
    element for element in this when callback element

array = [1..10]

array.filter (x) -> x > 5
# => [6,7,8,9,10]

讨论 Discussion


Objects in JavaScript (and thus, in CoffeeScript) have a prototype member that defines what member functions should be available on all objects based on that prototype. In CoffeeScript, you can access the prototype directly via the :: operator.