óCoffeeScript Cookbook

备忘录模式 Memento Pattern

问题 Problem


You want to anticipate the reversion of changes to an object.

方法 Solution


Use the Memento pattern to track changes to an object. The class using the pattern will export a memento object stored elsewhere.


If you have application where the user can edit a text file, for example, they may want to undo their last action. You can save the current state of the file before the user changes it and then roll back to that at a later point.

class PreserveableText
	class Memento
		constructor: (@text) ->

	constructor: (@text) ->
	save: (newText) ->
		memento = new Memento @text
		@text = newText
	restore: (memento) ->
		@text = memento.text

pt = new PreserveableText "The original string"
pt.text # => "The original string"

memento = pt.save "A new string"
pt.text # => "A new string"

pt.save "Yet another string"
pt.text # => "Yet another string"

pt.restore memento
pt.text # => "The original string"

讨论 Discussion

PreserveableText#save返回的备忘录对象单独保管着重要的状态信息。 你甚至可以把这个备忘录对象序列化,便于在硬盘上维护一个“撤销”缓冲区,或者remotely for such data-intensive objects as edited images。

The Memento object returned by PreserveableText#save stores the important state information separately for safe-keeping. You could even serialize this Memento in order to maintain an “undo” buffer on the hard disk or remotely for such data-intensive objects as edited images.