óCoffeeScript Cookbook

化简数组 Reducing Arrays

问题 Problem


You have an array of objects and want to reduce them to a value, similar to Ruby’s reduce() and reduceRight().

问题 Solution


You can simply use Array’s reduce() and reduceRight() methods along with an anonoymous function, keeping the code clean and readable. The reduction may be something simple such as using the + operator with numbers or strings.

[1,2,3,4].reduce (x,y) -> x + y
# => 10
["words", "of", "bunch", "A"].reduceRight (x, y) -> x + " " + y
# => 'A bunch of words'


Or it may be something more complex such as aggregating elements from a list into a combined object.

people =
    { name: 'alec', age: 10 }
    { name: 'bert', age: 16 }
    { name: 'chad', age: 17 }

people.reduce (x, y) ->
    x[y.name]= y.age
, {}
# => { alec: 10, bert: 16, chad: 17 }

讨论 Discussion


Javascript introduced reduce and reduceRight in version 1.8. Coffeescript provides a natural and simple way to express anonymous functions. Both go together cleanly in the problem of merging a collection’s items into a combined result.